Find items on conveyor belts faster

At each scanner point that a package passes, video images are recorded and linked to the read barcode. Using this barcode, you can call up and simultaneously view all video images for a package from all scanner points.

The entire route of parcels is traceable, so that lost parcels can be recovered easier

Linking in-house interfaces with image data

Search: Enter the barcode number of the package.

Connecting scanner systems: Linking scanner data with image data of the parcels

The images of the package are displayed while searching.

Only images with this parcel are displayed.

Time saving research

Your benefit

  • Find goods that have dropped from the assembly line more quickly 
  • Find lost parcels
  • Clarification in the event of sorting errors on the conveyor belt
  • Avoidance of belt-stop
  • Fast delivery and reduced waiting times

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